Charlotte Sophia Bez
Researcher in the Political Economy of the Environment
Welcome! I am Charlotte Sophia Bez, and this is my personal website.
Currently, I am a Fulbright Schumann and Joachim Herz scholar at the Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School New York, where I work with Ana Baptista and Yukyan Lam. Moreover, I am a postdoctoral fellow at the FutureLab CERES at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany, where I work with Jan Steckel.
I am also co-leading the CSSN project "Peddling false solutions: corporate carbon management and climate delay strategies'' funded by Brown University, jointly with Thomas Klug. In spring 2024, I have been visiting the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, as part of a cross-continental research grant by the Environment for Development Initiative.
My research focuses on the political economy of the environment. I study obstacles to climate action, just transition narratives and working-class environmentalism. For doing so, I apply causal econometric methods and cutting-edge text-as-data methods within the domain of computational science sciences.
Besides my academic life, I have previously worked as a consultant for private and public entities. I also write for non-academic outlets, for instance here (in Italian), here (in English), here (in German), or here (in Spanish). And I spend a lot of time training for triathlons.
I have a Ph.D. in Economics from the Scuola Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy, a joint program with the UCA-University of Cote d’Azur, Nice, France. From May to August 2022, I was visiting scholar at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, where I worked with Michael Ash and James Boyce. Moreover, I am an associated researcher at the Bureau of Theoretical and Applied Economics (BETA), Strasbourg, France, and fellow at Bocconi Lab in European Studies (BLES), Milan, Italy. I am also part of the CSSN network on climate obstruction, and of the working group "Crisis and Socio-Ecological Transformation" by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.